National Anthem of Nepal

National Anthem of Nepal

The National Anthem of Nepal is Sayau Thunga Phulka hami. “Sayaũ Thũgā Phūlkā” (Nepali: सयौँ थुँगा फूलका, pronounced [sʌjʌũ tʰũɡa pʰulka]; lit. ’ ‘Made of Hundreds of Flowers”). It was officially adopted as the anthem on August 3, 2007, amid a ceremony held at the conference hall of the National Planning Commission, inside the Singha Durbar, by the speaker of the interim parliament, Mr. Subash Chandra Nemwang. The previous Nepalese national anthem, “Shreeman Gambhir”, had been adopted in 1962, but it was dropped following the abolishment of the monarchy.

The new National Anthem of Nepal is two stanzas long and each stanza has four lines. There are altogether 47 words in the new National Anthem. The new national anthem of Nepal represents the entire nation and all that is proud and glorious in it.

The lyrics of the National Anthem were penned by the poet Pradeep Kumar Rai, alias Byakul Maila. The music was composed by the late Amber Gurung. The national anthem is simply worded, praising Nepali sovereignty, unity, courage, pride, scenic beauty, progress, peace, cultural and biological diversity, and respect. In August 2016, BBC ranked Nepal’s national anthem third in its list of Rio 2016: The most amazing national anthems, citing its musical differences compared to other anthems.

BBC: ‘Nepal’s isn’t your usual anthem. It doesn’t try to sound like a military march or a church hymn. Instead it sounds like a joyous Nepali pop song, the sort of music you hear blaring out of taxis in Kathmandu. It’s the only anthem normally played on a Casio keyboard, and it is so happy it’s somewhat unsettling to learn it was the product of a Maoist revolution.’

Nepali Lyrics: Devanagari (official)

सयौं थुँगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका, मेची-माहाकाली।

सयौं थुँगा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला नेपाली
सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका, मेची-माहाकाली।

प्रकृतिका कोटी-कोटी सम्पदाको आंचल
वीरहरूका रगतले, स्वतन्त्र र अटल।

ज्ञानभूमि, शान्तिभूमि तराई, पहाड, हिमाल
अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभूमि नेपाल।

बहुल जाति, भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति छन् विशाल
अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल।

Singable English translation of National Anthem of NepalRomanisation

” Sayaũ thũgā phūlkā hāmī, euṭai mālā nepālī
Sārvabhaum bhai phailiekā, Mecī-Mahākālī “

Prakṛtikā koṭī-koṭī sampadāko ā̃cala,
Vīrharūkā ragatale, svatantra ra aṭala

Jñānabhūmi, śāntibhūmi Tarai, Pahāḍ, Himāla
Akhaṇḍa yo pyāro hāmro mātṛbhūmi Nepāla

Bahul jāti, bhāṣā, dharma, sãskṛti chan viśāla
Agragāmī rāṣṭra hāmro, jaya jaya Nepāla!

English translation of National Anthem of Nepal

” Woven from hundreds of flowers, we are one garland that’s Nepali
Spread sovereign from Mechi to Mahakali. “

A shawl of nature’s wealth unending
From the blood of the braves, a nation free and non-moving.

A land of knowledge, of peace, the plains, hills and mountains tall
Indivisible, this beloved land of ours, our motherland Nepal.

Of many races, languages, religions, and cultures of incredible sprawl
This progressive nation of ours, all hail Nepal!

Singable English translation of National Anthem of Nepal

” Woven from hundred flowers, we are garland Nepali
Sovereignly extended from Mechi to Mahakali. “

Millions of natural beauties, history like a shawl
The Bloods of the braves make it free and immotile.

Land of peace, knowledge in the plains, hills and mountains
One-piece beloved country, motherland Nepal.

Races, languages, religions, cultures incredible
Progressive nation, I salute Nepal-aa!

Musical Notes of Nepali National Anthem

Sayaun Thunga Phool Ka Hami

सयौं थुँगा फूलका हामी

Musical Notes of Nepali National Anthem
Musical Notes of Nepali National Anthem


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